Each month Pastor Riley writes a letter to encourage you, challenge you, and strengthen your faith.

Current Partner Letter


Dear Partners,
I want to encourage your heart with April’s Partner Letter. What do you think about when the month of April appears? If you’re a believer, expectation should arise to another level! April signifies a change in seasons, and with it comes new life.

Beloved, God appoints times and seasons, so let us walk in this new season.

Today, somewhere a farmer is preparing his soil to receive the seed that he carefully stored away. The farmer understands God’s principle of seedtime and harvest. Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness 2 Corinthian 9:10 NIV. God has instituted a very basic law of the harvest. It is a perpetual natural law of sowing and reaping. God established this natural law in the very beginning and which still exist today. Read Genesis 8:22 NIV.

When an individual plants good seed, he knows he can expect something to happen. He knows that, if the right conditions are met…good soil, the proper amount of water and exposure to the sun…that the seed will germinate and grow. It is not a matter of whether or not it will grow. There is no doubt! It is a natural law! It will grow.

The seed possesses within itself the ability to multiply. A seed multiplies seeds in some instances, hundreds of seed come from one seed. All truth is parallel. Just as there is a natural harvest, there is a spiritual harvest. For as long as you live, there will be seedtime and harvest for you. The seeds you sow are things which you give. Your time, your love, your faithfulness and your acts of kindness are all good seeds that you sow.

However, there are also bad seeds such as hatred, unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness and rebellion, which are sown. Whatever seeds you sow, you can know beyond any doubt that you will reap a harvest. Your gifts and offerings are also seeds we sow. Beloved, what kind of harvest do you need? Are you expecting?

You may be at a point of desperation where your finances are so low that you think you cannot afford to give. 

I challenge you to take a step of faith to give God the biggest and best seed possible. Sow it into fertile soil, good ground…into a church or ministry where souls are being won into the Kingdom of God, where lives are being changed and healed by the Power of God. I know that the seed you sow, will produce the harvest you need. God will not fail you!

Study these scriptures:
Genesis 8:22   Genesis 26:12   Proverbs 11:24-25  Ecclesiastes 11:6  Galatians 6:7 Corinthians 9:6  Luke 8:15 2  Corinthians 9:10

Marcia and I are believing for your success and prosperity.

Bless You,
Pastor Howard